The most important museums in the world where different cultures and civilizations throughout history

The most important museums in the world where different cultures and civilizations throughout history

Perhaps museums in which antiquities from different civilizations are collected are considered one of the most important places from which anyone can learn cultural values, especially when it comes to the culture of different peoples of the world.


According to Discovery Travel Group, the top 10 cultural sites or museums in the world are:

  1. British Museum (London)

It is considered the most charming and complex museum in the world because it brings together the entire world's culture under one roof. From ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece to the folk costumes of the American Indians. From prehistoric objects and ancient Asian art to the indigenous peoples of Antiparos, all these world civilizations and cultures come together in their entirety in London. Visiting this museum is one of the few occasions when you can discover the culture of many countries simultaneously and from another perspective in a cosmopolitan context.

  1. Louvre Museum (Paris)

It hosts world-famous paintings in addition to presentations on the history of France, where the valuable works are interesting in addition that the Louvre Museum itself is striking in its design and architecture. It combines French architectural styles of the twelfth, sixteenth, and eighteenth centuries. The museum also reflects the life of the French nobility and its contrast to the life of the common people of those times.

  1. Natural History Museum (London)

With 70 million exhibits, the Museum of British History hosts all forms of life known and studied by mankind for the last 250 years. The museum details human knowledge about all known living things on planet Earth. The Museum of London is one of the world's leaders in the natural science museums category.

  1. Uffizi Galleries (Firenese)

It is the museum that owns most of Botticelli's works of great value. The museum contains many works of art from the Renaissance period and was built by the famous Medici family. It is a national museum that contains rare Italian artifacts.

  1. Sistine Chapel (Vatican City)

It is said that the Vatican is a work of art in itself, and the Sistine Chapel is the diamond of this work of art.

  1. Hermitage (St. Petersburg)

A wonderful museum whose collections are displayed according to the size and culture of the Russian people. It is housed in a five-story mansion. It is the largest art museum in the world. If you stopped for a minute in front of every piece in the museum, it would take you three weeks to go through all the rooms of the museum.

  1. National Palace Museum (Taipei)

It is Asia's first museum and it is a curious and unique museum in terms of exhibits that reflect 5,000 years of Chinese history, imperial collections of traditions, inventions, and innovations of Asia. The culture of Japan, Thailand, and India is well represented in the museum where Tibetan, Pakistani and Korean arts are also featured.

  1. National Archaeological Museum (Athens)

Here ancient Greece emerges from the history textbook and becomes clear. The oldest exhibits date back to the fifth century AD.

  1. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)

Museum of Modern Art and Culture of the World. The museum's mix of classic and contemporary American bears the mark of multiculturalism, such as tools of Islamic art, African and European cultures, American weaponry, medieval and modern surrealist armor, artwork, photographs, costumes, and sculptures.

  1. Museum of Art History (Vienna)

The Vienna Museum is a place that displays pieces, paintings, porcelain, furniture, costumes, jewelry, and sculptures. This is the place that gives you an overview of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, one of the largest and most powerful European empires that influenced the culture and traditions of Central and Eastern Europe.

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