Cruise on the Nile River - a unique and impressive experience

Cruise on the Nile River - a unique and impressive experience

The Nile River is a symbol of rebirth and eternal life for the ancient Egyptians and has served as the heart of Egypt for thousands of years. 

Nile River

When looking at length, the river appears to be a long, lush green ribbon that runs through the arid desert. This tape is about Egypt, one of the great civilizations in the world.

The Nile extends from the mountains of Rwanda and Burundi to Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Egypt at a length of 6690 km to the Mediterranean Sea. 

Thus, the Nile River is the longest in the world. From Khartoum in Sudan, the river flows north to Cairo in Egypt, where it divides into two main channels, one of which flows into the Mediterranean Sea at Damietta about 65 km from Port Said, and the other heads to Rosetta. It was here in 1799 that the famous Rosetta Stone was discovered, which helped decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs. 

Between the two arms was formed the Nile Delta, which covers an area of ​​24,000 square kilometers and is home to more than 85% of the Egyptian population.

For the Egyptians, the Nile was and still is the center of civilization and the engine of their development. She favored crop cultivation and provided valuable fish and sedges. The people's gratitude can be heard in the Nile Hymn which is supposed to have been created during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2050-1750 BC). 

The Greek historian Herodotus often emphasized the close relationship between the country and the river and said, “Egypt is the gift of the Nile.”

Nowadays, Nile cruises are among the most interesting activities of the Egyptian holidays as they conjure up romantic images of the unique attractions of ancient Egypt. In Victorian times, a cruise on the Nile was the only way to see some of Egypt's most famous temples. Nowadays, visitors have more choices. Although Nile cruises are still popular, some prefer to stay away from the crowds and opt for smaller boats.

What do you expect during a Nile cruise?

Most cruise ships leave from the city of Aswan, where visitors can enjoy the massive Aswan Dam, the Philadelphia temple of Isis, ancient granite quarries, and the unfinished obelisk, the largest ever carved by the ancient Egyptians. It consists of granite blocks of more than 1,000 tons. Afterward, the cruise ships proceed to Kom Ombo, where visitors will explore the Temple of the Gods Sobek and Heroris, a temple to be built during the Ptolemaic Dynasty between 180 and 47 BC.

Probably one of the most exciting places for cruises on the Nile is the ancient city of Edfu, and its famous Temple of Horus is the best-preserved temple in Egypt. elevated in the second century BC. The temple seems to have a smaller look compared to other ancient Egyptian monuments. Only the colossal hieroglyphs and the dazzling decorations on its massive walls betray the true age.

The cruise eventually stops in Luxor, where visitors are directed to the temples of Luxor and Karnak. Both of them rise to the place where the ancient city of Thebes would be. The temples are, in fact, in a stunning UNESCO World Heritage-listed complex consisting of pagodas, pillars, altars, and statues.

Most Nile cruises last about 4 nights. There is a wide variety of vanities to choose from, from classic vessels (suitable for those looking for originality) to modern luxury vases (aimed at those for whom comfort is a priority). At the same time, the food on board is usually excellent, including both traditional Egyptian dishes and international dishes.

The Nile cruise may not be the first thing that comes to your mind when planning a vacation in Egypt, but you must be sure that it will be an experience that you will never forget.

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